Women’s Health

Women’s Health EP’s help to bridge the gap between injury, illness, birth or surgeries and returning or starting to exercise! We can help with tailoring a program to start where you are, and to help with reaching your goals, and protecting your pelvic floor health!




Here at Her health Performance & Rehab we specialise in bridging the gap between rehabilitation and returning to exercise by prescribing individualised programs specific to you. Research continues to show us the benefits exercise has on correcting issues related to pelvic floor dysfunction, pelvic pain, improving overall health markers, the benefits during both the pre and postnatal period and chronic health conditions.

We remove the uncertainty and guide you through safe exercise techniques specific to what stage of life you’re in.

Some examples of when to come and work with us are if you:

  • Experience any leaking of urine when you cough, laugh, sneeze or exercise, or feel desperate to run to the loo!

  • Don’t know what exercises to do after having a baby, or having surgery, or find movements can cause you pain

  • Have had a baby in the last 5 years and have concerns about your pelvic floor, including feeling heaviness in your pelvis

  • Have a condition like prolapse and want to exercise safely (yes - you can exercise - in fact its one of the best things you can do!)

  • Have had a hysterectomy, laparoscopy or mastectomy surgery and want support in rehabilitation

  • Are pregnant and want to keep moving safely

  • Have been told you have osteoporosis, or at risk of osteopenia and want to use exercise to help support your bones

  • Have been diagnosed with endometriosis, PCOS, fibromyalgia etc



Once you have been given the all clear by your health care provider, your next best best point of call is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist to assist you with safe prescription of exercise during this exciting time. We work closely with you through your whole pregnancy journey to assist with keeping you moving and reducing any aches & pains that arise during this period.


These first 6 weeks following that beautiful moment of bringing your bub into the world is a time of great change. Adapting to this new phase in your life can be both a physical and emotional rollercoaster with a side of uncertainty when it comes to where and when you should start with your return to exercise. This is a time to nourish and nurture your body and with the use of restorative exercises you can do just that, in the comfort of your own home.

Following the all clear from your health care provider to return back to exercise, you will be taken through a thorough assessment to allow us to develop a program which addresses all your concerns, returning you back to full strength training. This program progresses through a 3 stages approach ensuring you have mastered all the fundamentals before advancing to the next phase



Transitioning into menopause? Navigating a recent prolapse diagnosis, or maybe you experience chronic hip and low back pain that doesn’t seem to resolve despite making modification to your training program. You may need to take a different, more holistic approach to treating your symptoms and addressing the whole body is imperative.



Experiencing chronic pain as a result of chronic conditions like endometriosis, fibromyalgia, PCOS? Unsure how to navigate the gap between restorative exercise and progressing to advance strength blocks without a flare in your symptoms? This one is for you! You need a tailored approach specific to you and learning how to modify your program during a flare is key!

Hello!! I’m Hayley, an Accredited Exercise Physiologist and founder of HER Health performance & rehabilitation. I have 6 years experience as an Exercise Physiologist, and over 12 years as a personal trainer. I have a burning passion for women’s health, which all started at the beginning of my own health battles with Endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain. My goal is to help educate other women about women’s health and the impacts that exercise has on many of the conditions, and hope to keep them active and not let these issues become a burden on their lives.